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Flourish is a brand dedicated to empathy and embracing the diverse spectrum of human experiences. Through extensive research on sensory processing sensitivity—a personality trait commonly known as "highly sensitive individuals"—we've developed an app concept aimed at supporting this demographic, who make up 20 percent of the whole population of the world.

Our design thinking process has revealed a prevalent cultural bias in Western society, where individuals perceived as carefree often receive admiration, while HSPs are often stigmatized as weak or fragile. However, psychologists recognize the immense value of sensitive individuals, often referred to as "orchids," as essential empaths, dreamers, and healers.

Psychologists categorize highly sensitives as "orchids"
Despite orchids’ fragile appearance, they exhibit resilience and adaptability, mirroring the strength of highly sensitive individuals. That’s why researchers call them orchids, because they need special care to flourish.